De-Stress for Success

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, more people worldwide reported being under more stress than in the previous decade. In a study from Gallup’s 2020 Global Emotions Report, more than one in three adults (35%) said they experienced stress during “a lot of the day” in 2019, which is up six percent from the 29% who reported feeling stressed in 2006. In the middle of the pandemic, people reported feeling anger, stress, sadness, worry, and physical pain at elevated levels.
Stress is a pervasive, growing problem worldwide. Improving awareness and understanding about anxiety is one of the essential steps we can take to promote wellness and enhance our wellbeing. 
Here are the various tools I use daily which help me to center myself and create “breathing space” in my life. These tools help me to reduce anxiety and release stress.


Moving our bodies is key to combat stress. Remember, we’re not robots. We’re human beings who have an innate need to move. Our bodies weren’t designed to sit still in front of a computer screen, or behind the wheel of our car for hours on end. Whether you take a gentle walk or go all out at your favorite sport, taking time to move is vital. Yoga is my thing, but any movement helps. 

Eat the Rainbow

My wonderful mom was a health and wellness influencer before it was even a thing. As a caring and intuitive medical doctor, her approach to health is both simple and delightful: eat the rainbow. Stress depletes our nutrients, and a simple way to boost your intake of essential nutrients is to add color to your plate. Whether you’re eating on the run or sitting down to slowly savor, include colorful vegetables or fruit.  


We tend to forget that that our bodies are mainly made up of water and often underestimate the need to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water helps us to to feel good and function optimally. And while we know coffee makes the world go round, sipping on water, sparkling water or some herbal tea in between those caffeine intakes will make the cells in your body sing.  


Work rituals into your life that make you feel good. For me, morning and evening rituals are essential. Take time for yourself and lean in to things that relax you. One of my favorite evening rituals is to take an Epsom salt bath with a few drops of essential oil (like rose geranium). Light a candle and soak in for as long as it feels good. If you have a toddler like me, do it after their bedtime so that you’re not interrupted. (If you missed my morning routine that I shared previously, click here

Reduce your caffeine intake

You can replace your second coffee with herbal teas or matcha if you feel you need that kick.


Keep a gratitude journal on your side table and every evening, make a note of all the things you’re grateful for . This keeps the good vibes flowing.

Fill up those love buckets

Spend quality time with your favorite friends and family – and do it often.

Sleep Solidly

During times of stress, we all need more sleep than normal. Although quality is more important than quantity, quantity is easier to achieve. You can improve the quality of your sleep by practicing easy, sleep hygiene habits – like having a relaxing bedtime routine, drinking less caffeine and alcohol, powering off electronic devices, and doing deep breathing.

Laugh. A lot

Seek what makes you laugh and do a lot of it. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh to remove stress and press the reset button.

Get Creative

It’s easy during times of stress to put creative pursuits on the back-burner – but it’s precisely creative pursuits that can restore us. But there is a caveat: focus on the process, not the result. Whether it’s cooking, doodling, coloring in, painting, knitting, or taking photographs, creativity rests on one part of our brain while engaging another. 

I hope these life-hacks help you as much as they help me. If you have a favorite anti-stress hack, do share!

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