Daily Routine for Self-Alignment

The best life hacks are small and straightforward, but they make a BIG difference to our lives.

To foster a fertile mindset and live a life aligned with your soul, I suggest that you follow these easy steps and incorporate them into your daily routine. They’ve worked for me, and I know they’ll work for you too!

1. Cultivate self-worth

A positive self-image influences how we show up in the world. There was a time when I had low self-worth. It took conscious work to build it up, and now I prioritize cultivating and nurturing it.

2. Hone your daily rituals

I finally mastered my daily routine, but mainly my morning routine. I read about the value of having a morning routine, but I never really got it – until recently that I became religious and consistent with my own. I have to say, honing my daily rituals have been the biggest game-changer for me. My daily rituals are sacred as they keep me grounded, connected, and focused.

3. Master your thoughts

Eliminating toxic thoughts and belief systems. I did this by transforming many of my fears and limiting beliefs by replacing them with positive, revised resolves. It’s a daily practice that, when done regularly, will allow you to dissolve all negativity and master a positive mindset. I’ve got good at being my thought gatekeeper, but it wasn’t always this way.

I used to let negative thoughts run amok inside my mind. They would latch on to certain things and create a shit-storm in my head. But now, any time I have a negative thought, I catch it immediately and rehabilitate it. I have invested in a rich bank of tools that I call on when I feel mentally bogged-down (such as yoga, meditation, journaling, etc.)

4. Get clear

It’s a journey. It can take time. But today I am clear about what I want and where I’m going, and every day I think the thoughts and take the actions that will take me towards my goals.

5. Manage your energy (so important!)

Be aware of what you say, yes and no. I manage my energy because I know that when I say yes to something, it means a “no” for something else. Energy management is setting boundaries with your energy, and it’s essential for your vitality and clarity.

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