“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.“
Are you still searching for clarity about your life purpose, and how on earth you can make a living out of it?
It’s the genuine desire to serve that clears the path for you to step into your purpose.
Service is the driving force. The energy that moves us. Service gives us a sense of commitment. It’s the invisible force that opens doors. It allows us to do less and attract more, and do more, and still feel supported. It’s the force that makes us show up with inspiration every single day, and it keeps us moving forward with momentum.
I want you to tap into what service means for you. Consider it within the energy you bring forward – whether you’re caring for a child, showing up for your career, or pioneering a business.
When we bring an energy of service to whatever we do, our purpose is revealed to us. Our aim is to show up at our highest capacity. Our drive is to bring better energy to whatever we create in the world.
When building our businesses, we often spend too much time in a self-conscious mindset – thinking about how we are being perceived, how we look on camera, the colour pallet of our social media and the list goes on. This is a trap, as all this comes from our insecurities and ego, really. The reality is that our audiences are not even slightly interested if you are bad hair day.
Instead, if you focus on the people you are serving; your message, your service, or whatever it is you can contribute to make your community or the world a better place, you will act from your heart. When you allow yourself to be guided by the intention of service and purpose, all the other details will fall into place.
The trick to feel more confident and driven in your brand is to take the focus off yourself and instead place the service of the creation at the forefront.
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