7 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating Their Brand

Creating your brand the right way will perfectly position you and your business to make the most of the right opportunities at the right time.

If you’re building your brand on your own, you can quickly get confused about how exactly to do it the “right” way.

Here are the seven most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when developing their brand:

1. Targeting a Wide Audience

When we try to reach everyone, we end up reaching no one. When it comes to your audience, try not to cast the net too wide. Be very clear about who is your Ideal Customer and what they would like to hear. That is one of the fundamentals of a successful brand.

2. Focusing on your Qualifications

When building a personal brand, people tend to highlight their academic qualifications. However, it’s more valuable if you’re relatable to your audience. Do this by creating helpful and straightforward content and forgo posts and videos that contain technical jargon. Once people relate to you and are interested in what you offer, you’ll be in a better position to share your credentials.

3. Forgetting Your Story

One vital thing people often get wrong when it comes to their personal brand is that they forget to share their story. But your story is what people want to know! People want to hear about how you started your business, the ups, and downs, what makes you tick, about your passions, and what tips you can give them.

People buy from people they relate to and trust. When building your personal brand, keep your story in mind. Break it down into little stories and dozens of posts. Remember to teach people through your experience. Make sure you share your bad moments and failures, as well as the lessons you’ve learned from these. People want to hear about your struggles and understand how you pushed through.

4. Lacking a Consistent Focused Message

Building a brand is about cutting through the noise to get your message to your audience. Whatever your message is, please keep it simple and focused, and concise. Focus on communicating to those who care about what you have to offer. That’s what branding is all about.

5. Not Aligning Your Personal And Professional Brands

Many people don’t align their personal brand with their professional brand. You and your brand must share the same values and essence at heart. Walk your Talk. If you put forth one thing, your public profile can’t tell a conflicting story and vice versa. It is critical to be authentic at all times.

6. Not Showing Your Fun Side

Today’s brands need to be personal, and people would be delighted to know your relaxed, funny side. There’s always room to be a whole human being – one who is committed to specific values and has creative or adventurous hobbies. Sharing new parts of yourself only strengthens your personal brand.

7. Posting Just For The Sake Of It

A common mistake is to play the “algorithm game” and post too often – without a strategy and lacking in substance. However, meaningful messages, authenticity, and conscious communication go a lot further than daily, generic posts. If you’re going to speak (or post), add value. Tell a story. Teach instead of just talking for the sake of it. Remember, quality is more valuable than quantity, and authenticity is more valuable than frequency. Be you, and don’t feel pressured to post all the time.

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